
Our Aims

We recognise that the curriculum encompasses all that the students experience as a result of being members of the school community. As such, the formal curriculum is complemented by the enrichment activities, which are vital for our students. Underpinning all is the quality of relationships enjoyed by the members of the community.

Students at Sporting Stars typically fall into three categories, those with EHCPs for SEMH, students who have experience barriers to learning in a mainstream or a special school and students that are looked after.  As a result, all students at Sporting Stars have had significant disruption to their learning and have typically been to several schools and provisions before joining us. We believe that we should all aim:

Our Curriculum Intent

At Sporting Stars our curriculum exists to ensure all students regardless of background and ability have the opportunity to unlock their potential. We are committed to students being challenged despite their previous learning experiences.  Our curriculum is ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced, and will provide the platform in preparing students with the foundations for examination success and life in modern Britain.  Staff have identified the key knowledge and skills that the students need to know to learn more and to be able to recall more.

We have four principles that underpin our curriculum which we believe will ensure our students to support our students learning.

As well as academic success one of our main aims is to ensure our students leave us able to succeed in the wider world and overcome the challenges they have faced.  We aim to provide positive relationships with adults and other students. Our new core values of respect, unconditional positive regard, resilience and kindness are currently being embedded throughout our curriculum offer to ensure we continue to meet our social, emotional, spiritual and moral obligations.

Our values

Our Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum intent will be implemented through our lessons and enrichment activities, all designed to re-engage students with education and ensure that all students make progress regardless of background, ability or barriers they may face. We offer pathways which are ambitious and supportive and reflect the point that a student joins us. See our curriculum pathways and an overview of our subjects below.

Curriculum Pathways        Click Here

Subject Curriculum Intent       Click Here     

Our teaching and learning cycle ensures that helps students to fulfil their potential.

Sporting Stars Teaching and Learning Cycle

Our Curriculum Impact

 Our curriculum aims to impact our students in many different ways.  We aim for our students to re-engage in education, develop their character skills and develop resilience to overcome any barriers they face. Even sitting exams shows the students’ commitment to learning and their ability to work independently when completing these exams.

Whether students leave us to go to college or work, we aim to ensure that they have the personal and academic skills to be successful.  Success is measure on an individual basis due to the specific needs of each child.

For more information see our Curriculum policy      Click Here