Bounce Together, a proactive, data-driven approach to student wellbeing

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Students’ overall wellbeing has a profound impact on their behaviour, engagement, and ability to acquire academic skills. In schools, promoting mental health and wellbeing is not only crucial for helping students thrive emotionally—it also enhances their ability to succeed academically. Sporting Stars Academy uses Bounce Together an innovative tool to better understand and address the wellbeing needs of pupils.

Physical activity and emotional health are key drivers of academic success. Research has shown that exercise can boost grey matter in nine important brain areas, enhancing regions linked to cognition, executive function, and academic achievement. These skills—like memory, planning, and decision-making—are vital for school performance. Promoting wellbeing in our Academy helps to create a positive feedback loop where improved health reinforces academic success, which in turn boosts students’ overall sense of wellbeing.

Bounce Together is designed to empower us to assess and understand the mental health and wellbeing needs of our students. By gathering objective data, we can identify the key areas that need attention and develop action plans to support our students holistically.
With Bounce Together, our Academy takes a proactive, data-driven approach to student wellbeing, ensuring that every student receives the care and support they need to flourish both inside and outside the classroom.

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